Thursday, 2 August 2007

It Begins

There are a lot of blogs and other sites out there at the moment bashing the UK rail network in general and, it seems, First Great Western in particular. Sometimes people have a point but sometimes they are way off the mark.

I think that it may now be time for an alternative viewpoint. I work for FGW. I don't hold a senior position by any means but the nature of my work means that I have frequent (daily) contact with some very senior members of management, including the Managing Directors office.

As a result of that, I am in a position to bring the unvarnished and unsanitised truth about many of the problems that passengers encounter every day and perhaps enable people to understand it a bit more from FGW's point of view.

I'll be posting on various topics that come up during the course of my day or that just take my fancy and I will also do my best to respond to any questions raised in any comments to my posts. Some of the things I say may offend you, you may not like them. I can get quite wound up by the ignorance I encounter at times, so there may even be a few naughty words. I'm open to healthy discussion, but I don't have the time or inclination for flame wars or mud slinging.

All I ask is this: Remember that just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for starting the blog. I shall read it with interest
